Peace & Security

By engaging youth at the frontlines of peace and security processes, societies benefit from fresh perspectives, innovative solutions, and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the younger generation.

Youth are not just passive beneficiaries of peace; they are active agents who can shape the future. Their inclusion ensures that diverse voices are heard and that decisions are made with consideration for their specific needs and aspirations. Empowering youth in peacebuilding initiatives cultivates a sense of ownership, belonging, and social cohesion, reducing the likelihood of conflict recurrence. Furthermore, youth involvement fosters intergenerational dialogue, fostering mutual respect and understanding between different age groups.

By investing in youth, societies can tap into their potential as drivers of sustainable peace and development. Governments, organizations, and communities must provide platforms and opportunities for youth to actively participate in decision-making processes, contribute their unique skills, and influence policies that directly affect them. Only by harnessing the power of youth can we build a more inclusive, peaceful, and secure world.

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